
Time Series Analaysis concepts and examples in R

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Time Series Concepts

This repository is mainly focused on providing time series examples, concepts and general analysis of them in R.

All documents are writen in R Markdown markup language and converted to HTML files to be served as part of this website.

Although the initial chapters use a mix of base R functions and those of tidyverse, I’ll try to stick to the latter because of its design principles and simply how easy it is to use and understand. In addition, I’ll be exploring and using tidyverts, a project that seems to follow the same design principles and philosophy as the tidyverse but with a special focus on time series.


  1. Introduction to Time Series I Our first regard at time series.
    • Definition
    • Examples
    • Basic Techniques
  2. Introduction to Time Series II Basic descriptive statistics
    • Mean
    • Autocovariance
    • Autocorrelation
  3. Introduction to Time Series III Notion of stationarity and further statistical analysis using tidy temporal data structures.
    • Definition
    • Diagnostic plots and statistics using feasts.